I do not treat mental illness lightly and unlike Democrats like Hillary
Clinton who constantly accused her detractors as "crazy," I also don't
casually use that word. But I'm using it here for the warning signs that
Democrats, as a group, are becoming the party of delusion and that
having failed to win an election as the party of illusion, and without
some influx of rational thought are becoming dangerous.
This is a mental health issue and the Democratic verbiage that is
threatening the lives of others is a well understood sign of mental
disorder…Not free speech, not opinion, not dialogue, a hallmark of
mental illness: Representing a threat to themselves and others.
It began with Obama, whose ability to maneuver timing and sales
strategies and enabled him to win a second term using both skills
despite the bomb of Obamacare with its most draconian pronouncements
perpetrated against consumers taking effect in 2014, four years after
its passage and neatly after a second election win.
The endless deceptions and lies to the American public earned Obama a
winner of telling the LIE OF THE YEAR in 2013, "If you like your health
care plan you can keep it." Credibility for Obama was not regained by
those who didn't buy into his salesman pitch because reality did not
match what he'd said on Obamacare and other issues.
Obamacare was Democratic illusion at its best. But as Hillary Clinton
realized she couldn't just ride Obama-style coattails to get elected,
after all, the Obama created illusions were already cracking under
undeniable reality, Democrats turned from illusion to delusions.
Suddenly the political Democratic tale-spinning that had worked so well
to convince voters, as Obama pal and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber
advised on how Obamacare passed because of the "stupidity of the
American voter," wasn't working. Instead, en masse, Democrats started
believing that all non-Democrats were "Nazis," or stupid or as Hillary
often said, "Crazy."
Democrats too far gone to know better believed President Obama who
bragged that Trump was "Unfit," another mental illness warning sign of
not of Trump's but Obama's own mental fragility which though requiring
professional treatment for specific diagnosis could be rooted in him
being an abuser or merely projecting, where Obama was seeing his own
incompetencies as President in Trump.
The delusion was complete as media fancifully predicted the "sweep" for
Hillary, blaming false "metrics," or false information, or Russian
conspiracy instead of the obvious that regarding a "win," saying it just
didn't make it so.
Suddenly the "Party of Tolerance" en masse was calling anyone who
disagreed with them on anything deplorables, the phrase coined by their
candidate and a glaring example of the intolerant, backwards, rambling
in language of prejudicial judgmentalism that combined with their Obama
years conduct indicated the sheer intolerance, small mindedness and
dishonesty of the Democratic Party that so obviously contradicted their
claims of tolerance and progressiveness that many Democrats simply
couldn't vote for Clinton. I could not.
Defeat exacerbated the party's mental illness to where Democratic
expressions of hatred and incitements to violence were tolerated at best
and oftentimes supported by Democrats as they watched their most
outspoken fans embrace the madness. Robert De Niro, bully in chief,
using his bully pulpit to express hatred in foul-mouthed rants. Kathy
Griffin and her beheaded Trump. Last year's Shakespeare in the Park
criticizing Trump via the play Julius Caesar.
This has been the trajectory of the Democratic Party and to me it's a
frightening trend indicating that the Democrats of today and their party
represent a threat to themselves (as it becomes harder and harder to
defend their conduct let alone vote for them) and others.
And so we get to Peter Fonda and Pat Dussault, and naturally, Melania
Trump's jacket. Days after mentally ill advocacy for pedophilia and for
pedophilia against a President's child, using the threat to others
standard, Peter Fonda's lukewarm apology was considered by the Dems as
enough of a reason to stop covering his threat against the President's
child, advocating for his kidnap and placement in a cage with
pedophiles, and even inspired Fonda supporter Democrats like Pat
Dussault who threatened "we're" coming for Donald Trump Jr.'s child
For me, the pessimistic ugly Democratic truth is more obvious in Peter
Fonda's "apology" asserting, "I tweeted something highly inappropriate
and vulgar about the president and his family in response to the
devastating images I was seeing on television."
Apparently what Peter Fonda saw was children being ripped from mothers
and being put in cages with pedophiles. And perhaps there are some
pedophiles in the population of illegal migrants, that's not an
indictment of all illegal migrants, that's a fact of populations, they
are diverse and include all kinds and it's also the rational reason why
we do scrutinize individuals with children rather than argue that the
children should be left with adults, who no doubt aren't all loving and
who no doubt aren't even all their "parents" amongst a population of
other unvetted adults. In fact, Peter Fonda was arguing for separation
of children from unknown adults.
Yet, not surprisingly there's more news coverage and Dem "outrage" about
Melania Trump's jacket which said, "I don't care. Do U?" than there has
been about the horrendous barbarity of today's Democratic spokespeople.
Let's say you're in the Democratic delusion where everyone who disagrees
with you is a crazy, Nazi deplorable, from that dark viewpoint the
First Lady's jacket could only "mean" one thing, she doesn’t care. But
let's say you're a sane person who knows that the First Lady's child was
threatened with kidnapping, child rape and brutalization, as was her
niece AND you were trying to raise children who would have to deal with
bullying of this and other kinds during their lives…What might you say?
Might you follow the stopbullying.gov website's advice to children who
are being bullied and model that behavior? That site advises: "Look at
the kid bullying you and tell him or her to stop in a calm, clear voice.
You can also try to laugh it off. This works best if joking is easy for
you. It could catch the kid bullying you off guard." Might Melania's
jacket be a message to her child about the uncivilized assault he'd just
faced, a reassuring mother modeling that she too is bullied and ignores
it, or jokes about it rather than is crushed, depressed or becoming
suicidal about it?
Barron Trump is 12 years old, a vulnerable age for children without
having to put up with Peter Fonda talking about how they should be raped
as he feeds the Democratic delusion of "tolerance and progressiveness."
I am ashamed of the way people are speaking about our President, his
family and his supporters and I hope that at every level we begin to
encourage treatment and healing for the party of delusion and its
dangerous policies derived from their pessimistic world of hate,
contempt and intolerance, and that's the Democrats.